Last eve I unravelled my notes of things I want or need to remember and at last came across Chris’ last name ......and so I could journey through his photography. I was not prepared for the perfection of what unfolded … flawless, evocative in their perfection, beautifully composed and symphonic in scope, celebratory, intuitive and giving. My favourites are Minimal, Parry Sound, Nfld., Fogo, Brunswick House, Arles, Graffiti , Atelier 11, Paris, Dance, Doors Open .......I would love to see these and all of the work in a Gallery. And so, what an amazing journey I had!

And I think what an amazingly gifted person your friend Chris is

Lynne Harris, Collingwood, Ont.

Once I started examining your art and realized that it spoke to me, I knew that I had to share it with you; texting allowed me to share my discovery in real time. I thought that you might enjoy my live sharing - and so I did it. It was actually pretty great for me as well because I was learning as I progressed to each piece. But I do have to remind you that part of me is this very serious science-minded focused nerd.

Cathleen Sullivan, Toronto.

Okay I am made of nails and shards of glass. If I think your art is amazing, it is “f…….” AMAZING.. Your art spoke to me and I believe I heard the very message that you were trying to convey - wondering what the right word would be to describe that phenomenon - i might actually be at a loss for words (and I am NEVER at a loss for words) ….your art touched my very right-side thinking soul. What do I have to do to get glass of wine with the artist?

Cathleen Sullivan, Toronto

Thank you Chris. Marie and I talked after the meeting and felt that your involvement was absolutely the most sensitive and profound. We developed Memoire de L' Avenir and the Humanities and Arts Society to say exactly that, that each one of us creates, and without creativity no learning or doings are possible. Education is a Jargon learning, yet being one with creativity and with the world makes one also able to create sensitive work, that expose personal points of view with the others, and open the doors to the "others" to be able to see, listen, to senses otherwise, differently, and enlarge our world.... you expressed that very well.

Margalit Berriet, Memoire de L’ Avenir, Paris, France

I would like to address you a special thank you about the conversation yesterday.  You said you didn't have the language to talk about your work, and it is the opposite. We wanted to tell you that we found your intervention really great, it was very interesting, sensitive and sincere. it's the most important thing in art. Bravo again and a big thank you for having been with us!

Marie-Cecile Berdaguer, Memoire De L’Avenir, Paris France